Gabrielle Roth (1941-2012) noted artist, philosopher and healer, has turned thousands of people across the globe on to the inner, healing rhythms of their dancing souls, the creative brilliance of their innate originality and the unexpected daring to express themselves in theater, dance and poetry. Through her movement philosophy, the 5Rhythms®, Gabrielle and her certified teachers world-wide have helped people of all ages discover that when you put the psyche in motion, it heals itself. Gabrielle has written three books, produced three DVDs and 20 albums. Through her ongoing interactive-live theater, catalytic classes and workshops around the world, Gabrielle inspired and guided people on the path of shaping life itself into a work of art.
She has been featured in Bazaar, Donna Karan’s Woman to Woman, Utne Reader, Self, Elle, Mademoiselle, New Age Journal, Body Mind Spirit, Shape and many other national publications.
Others on Gabrielle:
Gabrielle you were my spiritual master, friend and beloved mother. You gave this world a most precious map, a great dance of life. You were a modern-day mystic of the mysterium. You were a revolutionary of moving bodies. You showed us that there is only one of us here. You taught us that it is our life’s journey to turn our wounds into a dance and allow the dance to give us healing in return. “Turn our suffering into art, art into awareness, awareness into action.”
I loved working with you. Every moment was inspiring. I heard you speak many times on the same subjects but I never heard you say the same things twice. Your knowledge seemed to come from within your blood, from your bones. You were not a teacher; you were a teaching.
Jonathan Horan
Gabrielle Roth is a modern Renaissance woman. She is a dancer, musician, writer, spiritualist and philosopher. She’s released 16 albums with her band, Gabrielle Roth & the Mirrors, is the author of Maps to Ecstasy and Sweat Your Prayers, and is producing and directing a play called Savage Love that will be performed in New York this spring and fall. Roth’s music spans several genres, including, world beat, ambient and New Age, but is perhaps best summed up by one critic as “ambient-tribal.” One listen will clue you in to the hypnotic vibe — and make you want to move. Indeed, movement is what she spends a great deal of time teaching others about at the many workshops she leads at her Moving Center, with schools in New York, California and the U.K. It’s extremely difficult to try to encapsulate what a woman like Roth is all about.
V. Wade Contreras
Gabrielle Roth has been called an “urban shaman,” and with her striking black hair, dark eyes, and black dress, she truly looks the part. Roth has combined the vigor of music and dance to create one of the most enduring personal growth systems in new age. She calls her practice the 5Rhythm™ Wave because it’s based on the natural flow of rhythms through the universe — flowing, staccato, chaotic, lyrical, and stillness — and each rhythm has its own style of movement. Roth’s tribal-sounding recordings evolved from her dance/theater troupe, the Mirrors; her 1985 Totem was one of the first percussion albums to go mainstream. Although some fans of Roth’s seductive, trance-like music don’t realize there’s a systematic basis for her work, the principles are still there.
Carol Wright from Barnes & Noble