URBAN WAVES Thursday evenings


Teachers: local teachers alternate (Silvija Tomčik, Thierry Francois, Zdenka Sajko, Lucija Glagolić Hora) and guest teachers


On Thursdays, you are invited to come and find your center for movement in the city center, dance the Wave of your energy in the midst of the crowd on the asphalt, find a haven within your own body and breath for your busy every day mind.

5Rhythms® was founded by Gabrielle Roth, and is being practiced by tens of thousands of people all over the world. It is a philosophy, a view of life, a performance art and a dynamic practice of movement rooted in the principle that our psyche will heal itself if we move it.






06.03. Thierry

13.03. Lucija

20.03. Zdenka

27.03. Silvija



03.04. Thierry

10.04. Zdenka

17.04. Lucija

24.04. Silvija


Venue: Češki dom, Šubićeva 20, Zagreb

Time: 19:30-21:30h

Suggested donation for members: from 10 to 15 Euro

If you want to join the regular team of helpers for the working price please contact Mirela: admin@plesritmova.net



“What I love about Thursdays is that you can come whenever you want and whenever it suits you, without having to commit to showing up. Dancers alternate, as do teachers, it is fluid, like life. It’s great that you can experience the five rhythms teaching with different teachers or if you have your favorite you may discover that another teacher moves you in a completely different, unusual and interesting way, which helps you get out of your routine. I recommend this to everyone who’d like to try the practice of rhythms, as it’s a great introduction to see if it suits you or not. Whether a beginner or an advanced dancer of any kind, one that likes to dance all over the place, or one that secretly wishes to but doesn’t dare, rhythms are the right place to explore, and the possibilities are endless. It is one of rare places where there is no right or wrong, no good or bad, it’s for those days when you don’t feel like it and when you do. It’s about accepting yourself and others as we are.”



“Thursday has been my day for dancing for a year now. No preparations, no announcements and no pressure to show up every single time. When I do show up I breathe a little bit, move my head, shoulders, I release excess (of thoughts, words and ideas that crush me throughout the week) along my spine. When I reach my feet I already remember who I truly am and slowly allow my body to do whatever it wants; it’s a wonderful feeling of freedom and space (within me and the “actual” space in the big hall that is available to me). As I begin to get in touch with myself, I slowly start sensing people around me; contact that isn’t really tangible until I move my body and heart. Urban Waves on Thursdays provide the experience of dancing with different teachers which I really love because each person reminds me of something I love to forget in a different way. They encourage my dance story in directions I rarely take: play, you don’t have to, try, engage in contact, give yourself permission for any movement, exaggerate…, there are so many movements that can be expressed in a dance, that I keep wanting more. That’s why I keep on inviting new people to try this experience of relaxing and engaging in your own dance whether you are beginner or a bit “stuck” to your 5Rhythms teacher. The variety of music and energy on each and every Urban Wave is guaranteed.”



Information and contact:  admin@plesritmova.net, +385 (0)91 565 8084