weekly open class
with Silvija and Thierry
Lazy stretching
Rhythm is seducing my body
Simple pulsation
Rhythm awakens the heart
Shaking freely
Rhythm is melting my thoughts
Easy connections
Rhythm connects our souls
Relaxed being
Rhythm embodies the spirit
05.07. Thierry
12.07. Silvija
19.07. Thierry
26.07. Silvija
Location: Makronova, Ilica 11/1. kat, Zagreb
Time: 19-21h
Fee: 75 kunas. If you bring someone who is new to the 5Rhythms practice each person pays 60 kunas. Price for students, unemployed and seniors is 55 kunas. Price for the working team is 25 kunas. The working team will be formed for one whole month, so if you’re interested please contact admin@plesritmova.net
No need to register, just show up!