"Dance of the Rhythms" Association Donation Form

All the information entered in this form is confidential and will not be shared with a third party. Only Association administrators have access to this data.

ASSOCIATION “DANCE OF THE RHYTHMS”, Personal Identification No. (OIB): 77579218902, Božidara Magovca 147, Zagreb (hereinafter referred to as: the Donation Recipient), represented by Silvija Tomčik, is a non-profit association, financed solely through payment of membership fees, your voluntary contributions and donations. It does not generate financial resources and does not perform an economic activity.

In order to continue achieving the goals of our organisation that connects and supports our dancing communities around the world, we need support and we kindly ask you, as a Member of our Association, for a


Suggested donation amount:

By accepting this document, the Member accepts Donation Recipient’s solicitation for a donation that shall be used for the execution of the Donor Recipient’s programme stipulated in the Statute.

The amount of the recommended donation is expressed in euros (hereinafter referred to as EUR), paid into the bank account of the Association:

IBAN HR5724840081101938238


opened in Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d., in the said amounts in EUR with the payment description: DONATION

Taking into consideration organisational and financial needs of the Association, please pay the first portion of the donation in the amount of 100 EUR, so the Association may organise and support the events within deadlines.

The Association commits to use the donations for the purposed stipulated in the Statute, which, among other things, includes organising and promoting dance practices based on Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms® movement method.