"Body, Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit" Waves and Heartbeat Level
Workshop with Silvija Tomčik
October 17th - October 19th 2025. Toronto
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3 Days 5RHYTHMS ® Workshop – Waves and Heartbeat level

by Silvija Tomčik

17-19.10.2025. TORONTO


5Rhythms practice is a journey towards

freeing the body,

expressing the heart,

emptying the mind,

awakening the soul

and embodying the spirit.



On this 5Rhythms weekend workshop we will explore how each of these 5Rhythms is connected to these 5 different parts of us: Body, Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit.

This is a invitation to your intimate investigation of how Flowing unlocks the body, how Staccato opens up the heart, how Chaos liberates the mind, how Lyrical opens the door of the soul and how Stillness inaugurates the spirit.


I belong to my body.
My body belongs to the dance.
I commit to my heart.
My heart is committed to the love.
I am co-creating with my mind.
My mind is co-creating with the mystery.
I am connecting to the nature of my soul.
My soul is connected to the nature of all things
I breathe my spirit alive.
My spirit lives in my breath. My spirit dances with my breath.


Prerequisites: 20 hours of Waves 5Rhythms classes or 1 Waves 5Rhythms weekend workshop

This workshop counts as 2 days of Waves and 1 day of Heartbeat towards the 5Rhythms Teacher Training.

Teaching will be in English.


Silvija Tomčik, was introduced 27 years ago to Gabrielle Roth’s teachings through her book Maps to Ecstasy. It was a powerful encounter, which motivated Silvija to begin searching for teachers of the 5Rhythms to begin her dancing path. Since then she has been organizing 5Rhythms workshops in Croatia bringing it for the first time to this part of the world. At the time she was working in the Center for Peace Studies and leading workshops on gender issues. She has finished Waves Teacher Training with Gabrielle in 2001., and in 2010. the Heartbeat Teacher Training. Silvija has been a part of the Teacher Training Staff with Jonathan Horan 2013-2020.  Silvija just published her book WAVES: Voice and Vision, in collaboration with 20 artists. She teaches workshops using her imagination, great variety of music, her grounded way of dancing and her love for the freedom of being in the body to prompt people to discover their personal dance and healing movement. She is living with her husband Thierry Francois, also a 5Rhythms teacher and their son, Numa Rock and her daughter Tara in Zagreb.


“Silvija’s way of teaching? Strong and soft, passionate and gentle, wise and tactful, straight and humble, modern and ancient. She knows most of the places, you were. Shes a woman with all of the amazing dark and soft feminine energies, what can you seduce for the rhythms. Shes a mother who accepts you as you are. She is a warrior healer, who helps you facing with your shadows without a judgement, and helps to break through them. She is a teacher, who shows the path, but let you to be free. Dancing with her guiding, you can go to your edges safe. She is a midwife, who helps you to be born in your real self. Zsuszsanna Kiss, 5Rhythms teacher


Friday Oct 17, 12-6pm
Saturday Oct 18, 11am-5pm
Sunday Oct 19, 2-7pm


Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave, Toronto, Canada
*wheelchair accessible venue*


$335 Early bird by Sept 19 / $365 Early bird with scholarship donation
$395 Regular after Sept 19 / $425 Regular with scholarship donation




Information and registration:

Layah Jane layah@layahjane.com