More information on Vesna Santak and her offerings for Tribal Dance

“Whoever owns your time, owns your mind. Change your time and you change your mind. Change your mind and you change your world.”Jose Arguelles

Being a Maya is a soul state of living in integrity, harmony, and unity with the Universe. For the Maya everything is multidimensional, immersed in the infinite spiral of Time. Following the natural cycles of the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the solar system, and the galaxy was especially important to the Maya – being synchronised with the processes of evolution. They were very deeply aware that everything in the Universe is connected. For the Maya all life is sacred. The concept of unity was reflected in their daily greeting: “In Lak’ech” which means “I am your other you”. The reply is “Ala’ kin”, which means: “You are my other me”. Their code – the code of the heart, expressed as “In Lak’ech Ala’kin” refers to the whole creation, animals, plants, minerals, and everything that has Life.


The Maya were mathematicians, astronomers, scientists, architects, artists. They are especially known for their precise calendars. They used to follow 17 different calendars simultaneously in order to be as synchronised with the entire Cosmos as possible. Through the Mayan calendars we enter the world of mystery, Life creation, and the infinite possibilities of creation manifestations, always evolving and moving towards Harmony, Unity and Integrity. The sacred Maya calendar Tzolkin is much more than just a method of counting the days – it consists of Light and Sound frequencies. It depicts time which is spiral, radial, and fractal.


Due to the fractal nature of time, through the Mayan calendar we are given a possibility of healing the past and shaping the future. For the Maya, time is a harmonic resonance – days create harmonies that connect us to the cycles and information in the galaxy – reflecting the mathematical order and harmony of the Universe. For the Maya, the whole Universe is alive, consisting of infinite frequency waves, information, light, colour, and sound – the music of the spheres. Through their sacred geometry, mathematics, temple architecture, pyramids, cities,  art, and calendars the Maya left us a code to their knowledge. Many mysteries are waiting to be uncovered… In Lak’ech!






“Whoever owns your time, owns your mind!” – A short lecture on the natural time frequency through which we can align ourselves with the natural cycles, 5 elements, and the planet Earth.


During the practical part the Tribal Dance participants will learn the ways in which the natural frequency of time is connected with the human body. Also, they will learn how to connect with the elements in nature by using particular Mayan exercises in order to move the energy.

The Maya teach us to be open to the messages that we receive through the body. The body is a living metaphor that reflects the mind, emotions, and the spirit. Moreover, the body remembers everything it has ever experienced; it contains the awareness of the past. The Maya teach us to recognize the body wisdom, to treat our body with love and respect. The teachings of the Maya encourage us to respect our personal rhythms and processes of discovering ourselves. Every living being has their “inner clock”, the natural rhythm of spiritual discovery, and connecting with their centre. Apart from the spiritual practice the Maya also used physical exercises to integrate their physical body with the energy flow within the light body. For the Maya it is especially important to integrate the physical body (3d) with the light body (4d), and with the rainbow light body (5d)

Vesna Šantak, Uaxak Etznab, a member of the Foundation for the Law of Time (Law of, a movement for peace and change of calendar, has been studying the Maya since 1980s. She began to study the calendar in 2007. Vesna offers workshops and lectures, and is cooperating with Law of Time org. in addition, she translates Jose Arguelles’ texts, and Cosmic histories, and edits a blog which has become the official Mayan Calendar website in Croatian (link available at Law of Time. Org). She is involved in Mayan cosmology, Mayan healing, sharing the Maya Calendar and Cosmic history knowledge. Also, Vesna provides initiation of the Light body through Munay 9 KI rituals. She received her Munay initiation through the Q’ero shaman line. She practices reiki, yoga, and art therapy. In 1998 she got her degree in art and graphic art from the Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts. She had many solo and group exhibitions in renowned galleries throughout Croatia and the world.


For more information on the Mayan Calendar go to:

