How to choose the daily menu
- For each day, select whether you want to have the daily menu or not
- Optionally, select whether you’d like to have the dessert withe the daily menu
- Click on the “Submit” button to register your selection!
Daily menu price is €8, with dessert €10
Saturday, 04.11.2023.
- Pumpkin cream soup
- Colorful basmati rice
- Vege Fritaja (omelet-pancake with vegetables and tofu)
- Vegetable curry of young greens, eggplant, tomato and paneer (homemade cheese)
- Salad: leafy mix
- Dessert: Snickers ladhu
Sunday, 05.11.2023.
- Stew of moong dhal (small yellow lentils) with vegetables
- Quinoa and buckwheat with nuts
- Veggie skewer in chickpea flour tempura
- Exotic vegetable curry with vegan sausages
- Seasonal salad
- Dessert: Gadjar halva (carrots stewed in butter and sugar) in a roll with sweet mascarpone cheese